Sunday, September 06, 2009

And it comes round again ...

Yes that flu bug is making another round in this family ...

First, V came down with a cough and cold, then it hit the Hubby. He didn't see the doctor until a few days later (he tried to see the doctor on the second day but the queue was too long - I did offer to bring him to a night clinic but he doesn't seem to remember it. Problem with asking him to see doctor or to do some things can be quite difficult - I don't want to be seen pushy or naggy and sometimes it erupts into tiffs, but how do I emphasize on the health of the kids and the family without grating on his nerves?). Now poor #2 is down with a really bad case of the virus and you can hear his wheeze/ chesty cough. He went to see the PD on Wed (developed a wheeze and cough on Tuesday) and now he's back on the nebulizer after I brought him to see another PD on Sat as it seems to have gotten progressively worse. I just hope V doesn't catch another round from #2. Hubby still has not recovered and I'll probably drag him to see another doctor if he's still coughing badly tomorrow. Sometimes I guess I just have to bite the bullet.

I'm almost pumping exclusively now - 99.99%. This morning though, I tried to bf him, and after a few yelps of pain (he bit me!) he was doing well on the breasts. I have to remember to make more time for him though ... V takes up so much of my time, I seldom have time to even hold or cuddle him. I need to practise more too (I really do think I am hopeless at BFing) since we have plans for a year end trip and it would be so much easier to latch him on than to use the bottles (not bringing the helpers or 1/2 the house). I am crossing my fingers and toes that it will go well. It's my first trip overseas (Sentosa dunch count) since I had V with the kids.