Tuesday, April 28, 2009

my major milestonE

Ya, mine, and probably the main milestone I see I have achieved for the past few weeks.

I actually survived without a domestic helper for almost 1 month!!!!

It's a amazing feat to me, knowing me :P We have managed to keep V clean and bedsheets changed every week. The floor is relatively clean and the toilets too.

Just that the house is in a utter mess, but frankly speaking, I think it's only slightly messier than before my last DH left.

So why is it a milestone to me? Because I feel EMPOWERED! I had expected that I would probably just cry myself to sleep, feel helpless and useless. Vanessa came through much better than me - she's not as difficult to care for than I had expected. No doubt my siblings chip in to help, and it helps a lot since V adores them and does listen to them. At the same time, I wonder if they are spoiling her, but I know I can discipline her without much problem, so that's another big plus to to yours truly! I'm still surviving caring for her at night, although my skin and my eye bags are showing the signs of lack of sleep. I'm learning a few tricks to get her to follow her daddy in the morning (so I can have some time to do my own stuff, shower and change for work) and getting her to sleep is not as hard as it would be. It helps she's more vocal now, so I know what she wants and is trying to say. Best of all, she can be reasoned with since she understands what I am saying. I have also managed to cut her nails in the partial dark (I have night blindness and bad astig, so the combination is really not ideal) and get her to let me clean her nose (she's having really yucky green stuff in her nose) willingly.

I feel more confident as a mother, and I guess, that's the best present a mummy can hope for, other than the "I love you mummy!" (which I was trying to get her to say today heheehhe).