Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tree Hugger

My #2 that is ... so I'm back to being his favourite tree!

I got some toys for him today and well, he seemed more interested in "illegal" items. He has licked the table, tried pulling the padding taped on to the armrest, and I supposed if we didn't stop him, something off the ground or just tasting the floor :P

He's crawling quite well now. He will see something that interests him, and then off he goes, crawling his leopard crawl (which looks like he's swimming freestyle on land) and he's fast too. Come to think of it, it's the lazy crawl since he doesn't even bother to lift up his butt and crawl on his knees. He's just using his arms to pull him along on his tummy! He can sit quite well too, which surprised me, since the last few times he was still quite wobbly.

My boy is growing up so fast ... too fast!!!! and speaking of which, V is turning 3 soon. Wow .... time flies huh ... barely one year ago I was wondering why she wasn't talking much and now she's asking "whys" non-stop and has that funny baby logic which is both amusing and logical in a sense.

Time to snuggle next to her ... and I must remember to cuddle #2 more ...