Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Being a responsible dog owner

Recently quite a lot of movement in terms of the residents staying in our estate. We have suddenly, it seems, an increased numbers of dog owners too.

So ... the problem is, not all of these dog owners are responsible in picking up their dog poos. I see a lot lying around and I feel v angry, because most of the times, they target the maids, thinking the maids are the ones who don't pick up the poo. Unfortunately, it's not so, it's usually the dog owners themselves, the residents, who don't do it! I've seen them before, just walking off without so much as a glance at the poo.

I have 2 dogs, and I'm glad we are responsible dog owners. I know it because V, being at such an impressionable age, is learning to be one too. The other day, when we were walking the dogs, she wanted to rummage in the bag containing the plastic bags. She picked one out, and immediately glove her hand with it (very expertly I must say). Then she went "eh?" like "so where's the poo to pick?" She pretended to pick some stuff from the floor and was happily pretending away when my dog pooed. She immediately remove the plastic bag from her hand and handed it over to the hubby, and then gestured at the poo "eh!!!".

Smart move!


Jane said...

Oh that's very smart, to get her dad to do the dirty job for her. Heeheee!