Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mornings should be made of these ...

Note: Emotional motherly stuff again

Yesterday morning I woke up and went to get my pump gear from the kitchen. At the same time, the maid was going to the fridge to get a bottle of milk for my girl. So she asked if I wanted to breastfeed. Baby had last taken her milk about 4 hours ago and so I hesitated. I didn't want her to cry blue murder at my breast if the milk wasn't coming out fast enough. Anyway I took up the challenge and carried her into my room - notified the hubby so that he would be on hand to help me to burp baby.

So we started feeding - she was still sleepy but she licked a little before proceeding to latch on. She would start and stop, and in the intervals lick a bit again before latching on. She had enough from one side after she start crying a little and doing the merlion act. The hubby carried her a little and burped her while I adjust to switch her to the other breast. She latched on quickly this time and after a few minutes, fell asleep with her mouth opened. I raised her head up a bit so it would be easier for her to burp and I continued to watch her sleeping. After a while I got pretty tired too, so I gingerly eased myself lower and adjusting for her to be sleeping on my lap. I held her hand so I would know when she moves and we both napped together. She was asleep for 1.5 hours on my lap! I guess the position was very comfortable and comforting to her - she was sleeping on her side and her body was sort of wrapped around mine.

I am not sure how to describe the feeling I had while watching her, but it's a really nice one. Nay, I didn't cry - but I did think if every morning could start like this, it would be so nice... so utterly blissful ...