Saturday, January 02, 2010

Jetlag and porridge

Ok, I am getting old. I cannot sleep as much as I used to (like 14 hours at 1 stretch). After my pump at midnight, I loitered in the kitchen. I finally ate dinner (I went to sleep at 5 ish pm with V) at 1am - had a cup of walnut meal drink (taste like hup tow wu), a cup of K's cereal and a bowl of rice with bittergourd/ spare ribs. V also skipped dinner and slept throughout. That pump I did, only had enough milk for slightly more than 2 feeds. The helper rushed out shortly after I placed the milk into the fridge, so guessing there was a serious shortage of breastmilk, I took out about 480ml of frozen breastmilk to thaw. #2's appetite is shocking. One night I fed him about 125ml of milk and another 125ml of water before he finally settled in. My guess is, he's taking 160ml or more now. If it means a longer stretch in between feeds, and his stomach can take it, it's good news - he may now sleep through the night! Time to retire the 125ml bottles and take out the 260ml bottles. He is seriously challenging V to the milk king/queen title!

I then settled to watch some TV - History channel if you must know, about the fall of the Berlin wall. It was interesting enough to make me glued to it till 3am. Came back into the bedroom, but was out within 5 minutes. #2 was crying still, so I went over, waited till he finished the feed (and wanted more as usual) but I took him, patted him and he fell asleep promptly. I then brought him back to sleep with us - something we hadn't done so since he was 1 month old. We managed to squeeze everyone into the bed - a very tight squeeze but it worked out anyway. He woke up a few times, to complain about the lack of space and the warmth, but he settled back to sleep quickly. The last round, he had a major fart session and woke up V too. I brought him out and passed him to the helper, who was waiting with a big bottle of milk ;P I wasn't so sure he wanted milk, his pattern has all changed but anyway, I let the helper dealt with it. I then proceeded to cook porridge - pei dan chok for breakfast. I knew the hubby like it and I didn't mind porridge - it helps to settle the stomach after travelling. For V, I used the fish and veggies steamed for her dinner last night to make a separate pot of porridge. By the time I was done, I found V playing quietly by herself on the bed! I think she was probably awake since #2 woke up and she was probably just playing by herself for the past 1 hour. I woke up the hubby to feed her milk, and then it's time to pump!

#1 and #2 are in the living room, playing and the hubby is probably helping himself to the porridge :P I made a cup of Mother's Tea and hopefully that will help to kickstart the milk SS again. *sigh*