Friday, January 08, 2010


I'm really thankful for the weekend ... This has been one exhausting week, and I only worked for 4 days! And it's not even our peak season yet ... age is really getting to me ...

V finally conked off, after me as usual. These days she is sleepy before 8pm, I can tell from her eyes and her eye bags (shadows at the corner of her eyes) are showing. I guess she is still having issues in childcare, thus not really sleeping as well as before. She is just resisting the "call" to sleep, since we return from work by 7 plus, and she wants attention from her daddy. She doesn't want to stay in the bedroom - always wanting to go outside. She doesn't want to go school - always wanting to go "somewhere". *sigh* my poor girl, wondering if she feel "separated" since now she has to go back to "school", #2 gets to stay at my mum's place, and her cousin is now off to primary school. She certainly doesn't take well to changes, and it's something we have to remember.

Poor #2 is also neglected, since I return home exhausted from work and I look foward to sleeping after washing up. I brought him to my bedroom after I showered (he was still awake) and we played a little while with V and the hub. He was quite happy, smiling and kicking but he was also sleepy. It was a good 15 minute still - before he starting whining. I had planned to bring him in to sleep with us for the weekend but I'm worried - I'm quite tired and I am not be as alert as usual. What if I crush him accidentally? The backup plan would be to sleep with him on V's bed, since she insist on sleeping on our bed. I'll see how it goes when I'm done with my pump ...

I'm planning to bake the crumb top cinnamon coffee cake this weekend - I think I'm obsessed enough with it, so I'll just go ahead with it. Otherwise it's worse than craving for stuff when I was pregnant (I got my durian fix pretty easily :P).

Oh yes, and to get the berry scone recipe from my BIL ... mmmmm