Saturday, January 30, 2010

V day plus birthdays plus CNY

Feb usually is a hectic month - with the romantic Valentine's day, to birthdays (3) and occasionally CNY (It can fall in January too).

Usually I like to start my preparation early, so meaning I get the birthday presents way ahead, together with Christmas shopping. Only problem is, sometimes I end up with more gift recipients than number of gifts, so I have to use that particular present first. This year, I've bought 2 of the presents, and the 3rd one had me cracking my head. Anyway, I'm sure I'll think of something, just that it may not be a conventional gift (don't get notti ideas now!).

For V day, it's still _not_ so bad, we usually make up with a dinner before or after the actual desginated date. I don't like crowds, so it's fine with me. Besides, with the 2 kids, the extra $$$$$ we pay for stuff on the actual day could be spent on the kids' diapers =P Unromantic, but let's be practical. With no bonus, no pay increment and add in a ever increasing spending (have you notice that the prices haven't really come down yet?), we have to make our $$$ stretch a little longer.

And with the above swirling in my mind $$$$$$ then comes the monetary preparation for CNY. As usual, I don't give my mum $$ for CNY preparations, I rather buy the stuff myself. So this year would be $$ spent on CNY biscuits for family and relatives, the couplet for the main door, new rugs, and maybe some new cushion covers. CNY biscuits are nothing to be sneeze at, I think the total will be coming up to some $500.

hmmmm ... really, I want to strike TOTO first prize (as the sole or shared 2/3 winners) soon!!!!

OK time to go market and order the mandarin oranges ... hope I am not too late!