I did mention my girl is a real cheeky monkey right?
Now that we have turned her car seat to front facing (she has surpassed the 9kg mark) it's easier for her to see me when I turned to the back.
She has this habit of teasing me. She will be happily sucking on her pacifier, and then she would call out to get my attention (the helper usually sits with her at the back). She would then take the pacifier out and then hand it to me. So I'll take it away and pretend to suck on it when I turned to the front. She would then make noises and demand for her pacifier back by stretching her hand out. I would then pass it back to her and face to the front again. She would then call out to me again, hold out the pacifier to me and then return the pacificer back to her mouth when I stretched out my hand. Again I turn to the front, she calls out to me, and .... you get the idea anyway. Annoyed that she's teasing me? Not when she's grinning away and occasionally snorting when giggling.
Oh, and my helper told me that baby signalled to her for milk today. So I am right, that particular version of hers is a sign for milk!
Mummy's Mood: Strutting like a peacock.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Just one night ...
To figure out if we could manage my girl alone if we decided to go away on a trip, we thought that a night stay at one of the local hotel would be a good tryout.
We had the perfect excuse, to celebrate the hubby's birthday. I found a family package and so we decided to try it out. Well, the hotel stay was 1 thing - the service expectations were not met. But most importantly, we did have a nice room/ tiolet. The bed, it was so ultra springy that when my hubby turned on his side, I was awoken up by his movement. Thankfully my gal slept through it all.
It didn't start well. She was initially ok with the room, and we had some toys to distract her. However, the moment we drew the blackout curtains so that the darkness would lull her to sleep, she started crying - NONSTOP, for 30 minutes. Nothing could stop her and she cling on to me like a koala bear. Even a visit to the loo had her slinged against me.
In the end, we decided to go out - had to use the build-a-bear vouchers than came with the package anyway. So off we went, the pram only worked for a little while and she was mostly in the sling or carried by the hubby. The first stop was of course build-a-bear shop and she finally showed some interest in a blue bear (all of them had the same tags, but she only showed interest in that blue bear's tag) but eventually we choise a brown bear which was made of velvety's material. Wanted it soft and squishy, but it was still a little hard to my liking. We choose a ballerina outfit that came complete with the shoes and a "ear" piece - with a decent price tag (I had a little heartattack when I saw the price tags). We will probably go back again when she's older to appreciate the bear and does the dress me up dress me down thingy.
Went for a light dinner (since we already had tea at the hotel - she was bouncing to the live music!) after wandering in ToyRus and started to head back to the hotel - with lots of aprehension. I asked the hubby if we should send her back to my mum's place where our helper was staying for the night. He shrugged and said to adopt a wait and see approach. I decided a quick stop to give her some milk, hoping she would fall asleep on the way back to the hotel - but it didn't work. However, I was pleasantly surprised that she had her own version of signing "milk" which I tried signing to her.
She was wide awake when we reach the room and she was ready to cry the moment I sat on the bed (she was still in the sling!). I was dreading the possiblity of sending her back, since my family would brand me a failure! I went over to the couch and pointed out the traffic on Sheares Bridge to her. She was amused enough to warm up quickly and I could bring her over to the bed. She rolled around a little and I was quite pleased that she was finally OK with the room. I was thinking if I should changed her diaper since that might arouse her from her sleepy state, when she suddenly sat up, and stared at me with a shocked expression. I guessed correctly she pooped and did the necessary things. She was quite contented for me to rub her tummy and to clean her up. I also managed to change her into her jammies, which on hindsight was a bit warm for the room. The material is only slightly thicker than her other rompers and we had set the aircon to 10 degrees and on fan speed 3. I'm not killing Earth, it's just that the air circulation of the room is so bad, the cold spot is the couch area!
She continued to roll on the bed for a while more, giggling, SNORTING and smiling, then she suddenly stopped. We peered at her (we were lying on her sides and just watching her roll about) and she was fast asleep. I looked at the clock and it was WAY past her bedtime of 8pm - 11:22pm! I couldn't washed up her bottles since she was still not in deep sleep yet. She screamed in her sleep a couple of times, but was quickly soothed and back to sleep. She was OK for the rest of the night except when we reduce the fan speed to 1, and it got too warm for her (even the hubby kicked off the blanket - he was earlier clothed in his clothes and bathrobe, before huddling under the blanket).
Her breakfast? Wow, seafood porridge (fish and prawns I believe), rice with tofu and miso soup, mashed banana with yoghurt, glutinous rice and some bread. She was happily chomping down everything, and burping out loud TWICE inbetween the food.
I then took a bath with her (it was horrible on the first day, she refused to have her bath, so we quickly just splashed her and then dressed her) and she enjoyed it so much that she didn't want to get out! She cried a little when the hubby took over the dressing bit while I showered. We had a little accident before her naptime - I accidentally clipped her finger when I was putting the cover back on the milk bottle. It must had been very painful, cuz her cry came out like 10 seconds after her face went red and all scrunched up! I patted her to sooth her and she promptly fell asleep. She slept for 1.5 hours while we watched Bourne Ultimatum (part of the package - 1movie!) - ya, through all the sounds from the TV. She woked up 5 minutes after the movie ended, so it was just nice as we had also finished packing.
It was a good experience - I had my fair share of doubts that I could make it, and she clinged to me like a koala and eventually having a good time before sleeping made me believe that I can take care of my girl (sorry for the clipped finger). It was not to say, I did it all on my own. The hubby helped too, even though my gal was screaming her head off whenever he tried to carry her. It must had been hard for him too, but he did a great job! He could manage her better than I can - the crying really gets me, and he has more faith in us as parents that I do.
Oh, Happy birthday dearie! I think we could try a 2 night stay sometime soon *hint hint: my birthday is coming soon!*
We had the perfect excuse, to celebrate the hubby's birthday. I found a family package and so we decided to try it out. Well, the hotel stay was 1 thing - the service expectations were not met. But most importantly, we did have a nice room/ tiolet. The bed, it was so ultra springy that when my hubby turned on his side, I was awoken up by his movement. Thankfully my gal slept through it all.
It didn't start well. She was initially ok with the room, and we had some toys to distract her. However, the moment we drew the blackout curtains so that the darkness would lull her to sleep, she started crying - NONSTOP, for 30 minutes. Nothing could stop her and she cling on to me like a koala bear. Even a visit to the loo had her slinged against me.
In the end, we decided to go out - had to use the build-a-bear vouchers than came with the package anyway. So off we went, the pram only worked for a little while and she was mostly in the sling or carried by the hubby. The first stop was of course build-a-bear shop and she finally showed some interest in a blue bear (all of them had the same tags, but she only showed interest in that blue bear's tag) but eventually we choise a brown bear which was made of velvety's material. Wanted it soft and squishy, but it was still a little hard to my liking. We choose a ballerina outfit that came complete with the shoes and a "ear" piece - with a decent price tag (I had a little heartattack when I saw the price tags). We will probably go back again when she's older to appreciate the bear and does the dress me up dress me down thingy.
Went for a light dinner (since we already had tea at the hotel - she was bouncing to the live music!) after wandering in ToyRus and started to head back to the hotel - with lots of aprehension. I asked the hubby if we should send her back to my mum's place where our helper was staying for the night. He shrugged and said to adopt a wait and see approach. I decided a quick stop to give her some milk, hoping she would fall asleep on the way back to the hotel - but it didn't work. However, I was pleasantly surprised that she had her own version of signing "milk" which I tried signing to her.
She was wide awake when we reach the room and she was ready to cry the moment I sat on the bed (she was still in the sling!). I was dreading the possiblity of sending her back, since my family would brand me a failure! I went over to the couch and pointed out the traffic on Sheares Bridge to her. She was amused enough to warm up quickly and I could bring her over to the bed. She rolled around a little and I was quite pleased that she was finally OK with the room. I was thinking if I should changed her diaper since that might arouse her from her sleepy state, when she suddenly sat up, and stared at me with a shocked expression. I guessed correctly she pooped and did the necessary things. She was quite contented for me to rub her tummy and to clean her up. I also managed to change her into her jammies, which on hindsight was a bit warm for the room. The material is only slightly thicker than her other rompers and we had set the aircon to 10 degrees and on fan speed 3. I'm not killing Earth, it's just that the air circulation of the room is so bad, the cold spot is the couch area!
She continued to roll on the bed for a while more, giggling, SNORTING and smiling, then she suddenly stopped. We peered at her (we were lying on her sides and just watching her roll about) and she was fast asleep. I looked at the clock and it was WAY past her bedtime of 8pm - 11:22pm! I couldn't washed up her bottles since she was still not in deep sleep yet. She screamed in her sleep a couple of times, but was quickly soothed and back to sleep. She was OK for the rest of the night except when we reduce the fan speed to 1, and it got too warm for her (even the hubby kicked off the blanket - he was earlier clothed in his clothes and bathrobe, before huddling under the blanket).
Her breakfast? Wow, seafood porridge (fish and prawns I believe), rice with tofu and miso soup, mashed banana with yoghurt, glutinous rice and some bread. She was happily chomping down everything, and burping out loud TWICE inbetween the food.
I then took a bath with her (it was horrible on the first day, she refused to have her bath, so we quickly just splashed her and then dressed her) and she enjoyed it so much that she didn't want to get out! She cried a little when the hubby took over the dressing bit while I showered. We had a little accident before her naptime - I accidentally clipped her finger when I was putting the cover back on the milk bottle. It must had been very painful, cuz her cry came out like 10 seconds after her face went red and all scrunched up! I patted her to sooth her and she promptly fell asleep. She slept for 1.5 hours while we watched Bourne Ultimatum (part of the package - 1movie!) - ya, through all the sounds from the TV. She woked up 5 minutes after the movie ended, so it was just nice as we had also finished packing.
It was a good experience - I had my fair share of doubts that I could make it, and she clinged to me like a koala and eventually having a good time before sleeping made me believe that I can take care of my girl (sorry for the clipped finger). It was not to say, I did it all on my own. The hubby helped too, even though my gal was screaming her head off whenever he tried to carry her. It must had been hard for him too, but he did a great job! He could manage her better than I can - the crying really gets me, and he has more faith in us as parents that I do.
Oh, Happy birthday dearie! I think we could try a 2 night stay sometime soon *hint hint: my birthday is coming soon!*
Friday, February 15, 2008
The first straw ...
My girl officially can drink from a straw! She's now happily sipping from her Pigeon bottle. The only problem is, she forgets to close her lips before attempting to swallow, so we gets splashes of water from time to time. Otherwise, she's doing a brilliant job!
The cleaning fervour ...
Perhaps my girl has been watcing my helper cleaning the place once too often ...
After she got past her initial fixation of eating tissue paper, she will now take a piece from the tissue box or the wet wipes pack, and then happily start to wipe the table (if she's supporting herself on it) or the floor, as she merrily zips across the floor on all fours (well 3, since her hand is busy cleaning the floor at the same time).
I hope she grows up to like housework - cuz I don't ;P It means I can cook, bake and dirty the kitchen and she can clean the kitchen after me and more!
After she got past her initial fixation of eating tissue paper, she will now take a piece from the tissue box or the wet wipes pack, and then happily start to wipe the table (if she's supporting herself on it) or the floor, as she merrily zips across the floor on all fours (well 3, since her hand is busy cleaning the floor at the same time).
I hope she grows up to like housework - cuz I don't ;P It means I can cook, bake and dirty the kitchen and she can clean the kitchen after me and more!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
To market, to market with a piglet ...
Well, since my girl was born in the year of the Pig, technically she's a piglet!
Anyway, I had been meaning to post this for some time, but it kept slipping my mind (the last case of serious forgetfulness, I FORGOT TO ATTEND MY COOKIES DECORATING CLASS! *SOB* and the fees were paid for already!).
I usually bring Vanessa to the wet market when I do my marketing and my hubby always wondered why - it's noisy, wet and I would be just buying things right?
This particular day that I brought her along, it was the Saturday before the CNY. The fishmonger in this market for some reason starts late, about 830am or so. So by the time I had finished shopping for the veggies, pork and chicken, I went over the fishmonger. We were waiting around his stall as they were still unloading his goods. Since I was carrying my girl, she had the same level of view of the action as me.
As the crowd begins to grow, some aunties started to crowd in front of us. It blocked her view and she did not hesitate to gently "beat" the person in front to show her displeasure. I was like "OH!!! BABY YOU CANNOT BEAT PEOPLE!!!" So as it went, I started moving further towards the back of crowd. The ironical thing was that I wanted the prawns which were already on display. The aunties were just waiting for the fish and in order to grab the good ones, they nudge their way to the front and park themselves there.
In my desperation (I really only wanted the prawns!), I yelled from the back "1kg of prawns! $12!" Unfortunately the fishmonger was busy discussing with the folks upfront about the stock he had for the day. So I tried again and this aunty in front of me went, "Aiyoh, so poor thing, marketing with the baby! Ok I help you!" She barged to the front, got the attention of the fishmonger, got the 1 kg of prawns for me, and collected the money on the fishmonger's behalf. I thanked her (I was so grateful!) and then we gather the rest of our purchase and headed home.
So bringing baby to the market isn't such a bad thing afterall!
Anyway, I had been meaning to post this for some time, but it kept slipping my mind (the last case of serious forgetfulness, I FORGOT TO ATTEND MY COOKIES DECORATING CLASS! *SOB* and the fees were paid for already!).
I usually bring Vanessa to the wet market when I do my marketing and my hubby always wondered why - it's noisy, wet and I would be just buying things right?
This particular day that I brought her along, it was the Saturday before the CNY. The fishmonger in this market for some reason starts late, about 830am or so. So by the time I had finished shopping for the veggies, pork and chicken, I went over the fishmonger. We were waiting around his stall as they were still unloading his goods. Since I was carrying my girl, she had the same level of view of the action as me.
As the crowd begins to grow, some aunties started to crowd in front of us. It blocked her view and she did not hesitate to gently "beat" the person in front to show her displeasure. I was like "OH!!! BABY YOU CANNOT BEAT PEOPLE!!!" So as it went, I started moving further towards the back of crowd. The ironical thing was that I wanted the prawns which were already on display. The aunties were just waiting for the fish and in order to grab the good ones, they nudge their way to the front and park themselves there.
In my desperation (I really only wanted the prawns!), I yelled from the back "1kg of prawns! $12!" Unfortunately the fishmonger was busy discussing with the folks upfront about the stock he had for the day. So I tried again and this aunty in front of me went, "Aiyoh, so poor thing, marketing with the baby! Ok I help you!" She barged to the front, got the attention of the fishmonger, got the 1 kg of prawns for me, and collected the money on the fishmonger's behalf. I thanked her (I was so grateful!) and then we gather the rest of our purchase and headed home.
So bringing baby to the market isn't such a bad thing afterall!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Gong xi gong xi!
Update 1: The PD called the next day and said her kidneys looked good - no sign of scarring from the previous episode of UTI! *Yipee!*

Update 2: She now has 8 teeth! and from the looks of it, likely to be 12 teeth soon!
Update 3: My girl had a few first - 1) Her first ever buffet (samplings included the baked red snapper and mango ice cream) 2) Of course, her first ever Chinese New Year! She was relatively good - happiest when she was waving byebye to the relatives. She did a mega poop when I went to visit my aunt, so I hurried into the house and told them I'll do the kums later, gotta clear this pile of gold first! She wasn't very cooperative, twisting and turning. In the process, her socks got gold plated as well, so a whole lot went into my wet bag, which was inverted inside out since it was used as a diaper changing mat!
Pics? *sigh* We didn't get really good ones, but it's OK. I'll take some again soon. Meanwhile, enjoy this few pics!
I don't want to photographed!
Please please let me off, I promise to be good.
Fine! Take all pictures you want! *sulk*
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