Monday, April 27, 2009

Major milestones ...

to me at least ...

1) V can officially button her own clothes! (Although it's more like 1 button out of the four on the front)

2) V has officially said "sorry" to me without prompting! (she upset the lid that I had put her cup of water on it, spilling the water in the process - I was like "V!!!" she went "sorry!")

3) V can buckle her own shoes (although I never knew it was such a big deal until one of her play school teacher remarked on it)

4) V can take one of my handphones, switches it to camera mode and tells me to "smile!"

5) V can do a simple 5 piece puzzle by herself (a picture of an eggplant). I was busy so I left her with a box of new puzzles which I dismantled for her, came back about 10 to 15 mins later and she was like "baby make! baby make! - she was obviously proud of her achievement, but I think this mummy is even prouder!

5) The other day, I was sitting down when I felt some pangs of pain on my abdomen (I had spent the hour earlier mopping the floor and cleaning the tiolets), so I went "pain pain pain!" and make some groaning noises. She quickly came over and hug my tummy. She said "sayang" and kissed my tummy. Needless to say, I almost cried!

Brought her to see her PD today as she was having this nasty runny nose that would be wet, green and slimy and then dried, green and yucky, plus her eyes were tearing quite a bit. She did her "look I am so cute" routine, and she cooperated with the PD. Needless to say the PD was charmed by her. She then went outside and did the same routine with the ladies outside. It's not surprising whenever I call the clinic and said I am V's mummy, and they will remember which kid's mummy!