Thursday, April 30, 2009

Green Goo and the other viruses in the air ...

Brought V back to the PD after discussion with the staff since the nose swab shows a particular nasty bacteria breeding away and he wanted to make sure that the tiny red dot at the back of her throat was nothing to be alarmed of (other than that was the 3rd "it may be something to do with HFMD"). I still have some antibiotics at home, unused since we stop giving her the nightly antibiotics feed for the Grade 2 VUR, so it saved me some money, since I could use it.

V came back and she told me "I want to see doctor!" I really think she likes the PD, just that her medical coverage no longer covers the cost of seeing a PD past 2, so the cost of seeing him will go up. I intend to use the same PD for number 2, because this PD is really very good, and he really takes time to explain and listen to our concerns (no matter how ridiculous it may seem).

Anyway a quick update on #2 (let's call him Valentino) before I forget again. The last visit with Valentino at 29 weeks, I gained 200g and he, a whooping 700g. With my craving for durians (once I start eating, I can't stop!!!!), I hope my weight gain would not spiral out of control, and Valentino would still gain weight at the normal track. As it is, I am already having difficulty in walking at times, and all his movements are felt keenly. If he gets much bigger than the normal growth track, I think I will have to lie in bed!!! This said, he's still shy, refusing to let us see his face during the scans.

Now, the other virus that is hot in the news ... what else, the swine flu. Attended a 2 hour meeting this morning with almost 1 hour spent on swine flu. My mgr has it worse, she has to attend twice a day for updates. I'm not sure if it's going to go into Red alert anytime, but Orange alert is scary - although the place where we had dinner was PACKED. I guess no more outings to crowded and air conditioned places, so I better stock up my freezer tomorrow :P I have slightly more reasons to be scared I guess, since I do deal with people who work in the HC industry. I just hope no one does anything stupid or inconsiderate, but you know what, I am not too hopeful, given what some of these parents do even when their kids are down with contagious stuff like HFMD (they bring them out because the kids are bored!). I can only remind V and the hubby to always wash their hands with soap.