Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's Barney Time and more

1. V was stuck at home for 2 weeks due to her cough - we literally watch her Barney DVDs (sent by my sis from US) multiple times, so much so she can tell what's the next scene and sing part of the songs. In fact, she can sing about 5 songs from the Barney CD in the car and only she is allowed to sing, she has banned us from joining in. At bedtime, she wants us to sing the "Barney song" which is the one that goes "I love you, you love we, we're a happy family ...." Yes, I am SICK of Barney, so when she went back to school this week, I was pouncing on the chance to watch all the recorded shows (thankfully there's the hub station)! In case you are wondering, I am surviving on a diet of 1) Naruto 2) Leverage 3) CSI (LV & NY) and 4) House (Seasons 3 & 5)

However, I must admit there is a positive thing about Barney. I always tell V "be careful" when she is doing notti things like climbing up the chairs or standing on stools. The DVD that we watched happen to have a section on "be careful" and I pounced on it to reinforce the idea of being careful. So sometimes when I tell her to be careful and she ignores me, I will just repeat the message "remember Barney says you have to be careful too?" She will turn and just smile at me but I think the message got through.

2. #2 is recovering, but he has to use the nebulizer to take his medication. Hopefully he recovers soon. He is coughing out lots of phlegm now and his breathing is still patchy at times when the mucus is stuck at the back of this throat. His breathing scares me at times, so if he makes a noise, I will go and check on him. He is quite funny now, he stares at us as if he recognises us. The other day, he was giggling to himself while sleeping on my lap. Yes, he's been smiling too, mostly in contentment after feeding or a nice bath. He did coo once or twice but not much of that. His hair is growing fast too!!!

3. Broke - after paying for the confinement nanny, the chinese herbs, etc etc, my poor dog Rascal has to go for an op too - that set me back another 1.5K so yes, I am broke. Not to mention all the PD bills and Pampers we had to buy because #2 had very bad diaper rash.

4. I'm addicted to Post Oats with Strawberry - i didn't like the honeyed ones because it had coconut in it and I hate that. I am waiting to try Oats with Almond next. Well, I was told it helps with the milk supply, let down and lost of weight, so I wanted to try it. Someone said 400 to 500ml of milk is possible at 1 go so I am just persisting to see if my reservoir could hold that much milk too :P So, on with the oats!