Sunday, August 09, 2009

The search continues and T2 starts!

We're been looking for helper #2 for sometime now, and so far no success. What I have encountered is pushy agents who insist that their girls are great and I need to give them a chance other than a cursory nod.

Well, would you employ someone who scratches her nose before answering you? Think Bill Clinton. Not only that, they all claim to be competent in infant care, and then when you see them carrying my boy, it's just simply not right. How do I compare? I had a chance to interview a indonesian transfer maid, and she had no issue in carrying my boy or changing the diapers, even though her last assignment was to care for the elderly for over 1 year. Compared that to few filipino transfer maids I had gone through, who were married with kids, she was 10 times better! The only problem is, I have 2 dogs, and she's uncomfortable with dogs. *sigh* So ... the search goes on and I know which agents to avoid.

V is sort of starting her T2 ... she is starting to throw tantrums at her cousins and starting to hit or kick out at us. Everything is "I want it now, I need it now". Unfortunately for her, I will say "no" and stick to it. If she continues her "need it now" tantrum, I just turn away and ignore her. Earlier, she hit the hubby, and I made her stand by the crib until she says sorry. Unfortunately for us, she's just as stubborn as me, and she refused to do so, even being made to stand at the spot for over 10 minutes. She was also sleepy (didn't sleep the entire day) so in the end, I told her she cannot hit us and she should say sorry (she still refused). I gave her a hug after the talking to and gave her milk. She was OK enough to smile after that and gave her daddy good night kisses and hugs (still no apology). She's also at a very sensitive stage, where when people say she is a naughty girl (especially her cousins or us), she would be hurt and come to us to say "Baby good girl" (referring to herself). So, we have to find out why, and then explain to her that she has to be gentle or that she has to share her toys with her cousins or that she cannot insist on grabbing the toys/ food. Just that, at this stage, sharing to them is a one way traffic as one mummy accurately puts it. We just have to work on it and be consistent with our messages.

V is very very sweet to her little brother though. The other day we were leaving the bedroom to have our dinner, when she suddenly stopped by her brother (he was sleeping in the rocker) and then lifted up one of his hands. Before I could stopped her, she kissed his hand and said "sayang didi". Other times, she would go to the person carrying Valentino and then kissed his head/ pat his head gently. I can't ask for more, really. I'll just have to pick my battles and remember that she's still a toddler - she cannot be expected to behave or listen to my instructions all the time.

I'm also trying plan my return to work - hopefully I'll be successful in getting helper #2 soon so that I won't need to worry about the 2 Vs and homefront when I need to get back to stressing over work.

Oh yeah, and I need to start taking picture of the 2 Vs soon and get my replacement PC soon.