Saturday, December 08, 2007

The sweetest of all ... Thy name is Revenge

Remember how I used to whine about my girl prefering the Daddy instead of the Mummy? How she coos at him and gives him the sweetest smile of all? How green-eyed I was when she happily dives into his arms?

It's MY time now ... now it's MUMMY'S TIME! And it is sweet, oh such sweet revenge with a vengeance.

My girl wants ME, and if she gets plucked out from my arms unwillingly, she will wriggle and squirm. And if I turn to leave both of them, out comes the "WAIL". Now she dives into my arms happily and gives me the sweetest smiles.

Oh, and she loves to secretly vomit on the Daddy ... which he doesn't realise until she's gurgling happily in my arms.

*sigh happily*