Sunday, December 02, 2007

Turning 8 ...

In 1 day time, my sweetiepie will be 8 months old.

How time really flies! I was looking at this beanie cushion she used to sleep on when she was 1 month old (the beanie cushion hugs around her from head to toe, so she's very cushy and secure). Now, probably it's just big enough to be her pillow ;P Too bad I don't have a before and after picture!

Her top 2 teeth is out, so she has now a total of 4 teeth.

She now wants to drink water from a cup, so she has her own pink hello kitty cup I got from Daiso for $2.

She's a lot more vocal now - if anyone walks out from the room she's in, she'll protest. Not because that person is her favourite, but because they are "going out" to the "FUN outside world".

She will protest too, when sometimes I am busy with my things and don't pay her attention. Or, when I stand in front of her but don't offer to carry her. She'll protest because she WANTS me.

Now, that's just sweet sweet motherhood.