Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just one of those little things others do ...

to make me happy!

I had emailed previously to this famous crystal company, asking if they would consider having baby gift memberships, that the membership could be dated to the birth or the month of the birth of the baby.

Within 2 days, they replied, saying that they would consider it and asked for my girl's membership details. After I replied, I forgot about it as I was very busy at work.

Then today, I checked my email and they replied me that they had dated my girl's membership to her DOB!

Ecstatic? Ya! Why? Because such a famous big crystal company is willing to cater to requests from one of their millions of members. It made me really happy the way they responded - because I didn't asked for my girl's membership to be backdated, but for in case, if I decided to have another kid. So for Vanessa's membership to be dated her DOB, it is a bonus to me.

It sure feels good, I'm going to print out that email and save it for her 21st birthday!