Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A teething problem ... resolved for now ...

Sometimes, a mother really has to trust her gut instincts ...

My girl temperature went over 38 degrees and I decided to bring her in to the PD - just to rule out viral infection, flu or even UTI.

Went in at 9:15am and I was no. 23 on the list ;P anyway my PD was on leave and so we saw his colleague instead. We were quite lucky - we saw her at about 10:30am or so ... and after I explained my concerns, she did a check on my girl - her gums, etc etc etc and she agreed with me there doesn't seem to be any obvious cause (no she's not teething!) so to do a urine test, and if it's negative for UTI, we will do a blood test to rule out dengue fever.

So we had a bag taped to her groin, and then the nurse said to hold her upright or sitting down. *grr* it should be try to hold her facing downwards! She did pee quite fast but most of it leaked to the diapers and we had this teeny weeny bit of urine just enough to do the strip test and the lab test. Otherwise we would have to hang around for another hour or so!

Anyway the strip test confirmed it's UTI - so she's given antibotics to take in addition to the panadol syrup which we are giving already ...

by the time we reach home it was almost 2pm, and I had to rush to pump while the maid took care of Vanessa ... then it was to the computer to clear some work... by the time I finished, it was time to go out to do a bit of grocery shopping for dinner.

Exhausted? You bet - after finish cooking dinner, I pumped again and just as I was about to shower, the hubby called. No cab, no bus, no nothing. To complicate things, my handphones didn't ring or recieve any SMS. Lucky we had a house phone! So I drove to his office and pick him up - came back had dinner and my long deserved shower. I conked out promptly by 10pm.

This morning I woke up at 4am to pump. By the time I ended, it was 6am and I was in the shower, trying my darnest to clear this extremely stubborn plugged duct. Eventually I surrendered and cleared up the stuff. Then I went to check on my girl, she just fell asleep after her feed, so I took over from my maid and my sweetie pie slept nicely in my arms, then on my chest ... we both had a nice nap together ... when she woke up, she was in a super good mood! Best of all, her fever was gone. What a relief ...

Work was busy - we had a meeting in the morning but I left early so I could pump. Nope, the duct is EXTREMELY stubborn. I rushed home after work, gobbled down my dinner while my girl was entertaining my family (extremely friendly today) and then rushed home. Eventually I did managed to clear the duct, but only while in the shower (the hot towel method never really work for me, the next best thing was just to stand in the hot shower and trying to clear with the syringe at the same time).

Now it's 10pm, and yes it's bed time for me soon. Will need to get up at 3am to pump again ... my timing is so super messed up =(

Oh, my poor little baby ...