Thursday, August 30, 2007

False Alarm

Yesterday morning my cutiepie started having a mild temperature of low 37... so we decided as a precaution, to give her a dose of the fever medication. I was worried ever since I knew about VUR and another case of UTI so fast = bad news.

I called home in the late morning to check on her fever and it seems to be going up. I then called and bugged the clinic since her fever was on the rise and if the last lab test showed her in the clear. Only upon my third call and my girl fever in the low 38 did they say to bring her down. *sigh* I was in the midst of pumping milk and well, that didn't do much good to my supply so I stopped trying to stress myself and then tried to rush home. In the car, to my horror, the empty fuel tank warning light was on and it means I have to make a stop to the petrol station! *argh*

I called back to my mum's house and luckily my mum was in. So She helped me to send my girl and helper to the clinic while I rushed to get the tank filled and then to the clinic. I grabbed the first parking lot I came across and then ran up the slope (can hear my pump gear in my bag making a lot of noise!). My mum arrived just before me so thankfully I wasn't too late.

I checked my girl's temperature and it's now 38.4 so we slap on the fever pack on her forehead. The clinic also give her a dose of the fever medication upon our request and the PD's OK so that helped a bit. As we had to get her urine tested, we have to tape this bag to her and while we were preparing for it, she peed! so our chance missed and she was refusing to drink water or milk, we were wondering how long we had to wait ...

Anyway, my girl was very good and within 45 minutes we had a bag nicely filled and then it was sent to the lab for testing. In the meantime, while waiting for the test results, we saw the PD and he confirm again - not teething and generally she seems ok. He said could be a few things such as fake measles or dengue - so to watch out for the various symptoms.

Later the hubby came to join us, and finally the results came back - not UTI *phew* but the PD did urge us to consider the MCUG test again just to elminate the possibility. So we dutifully booked a date for her MCUG test as well as a date for her to be back to do another round of urine test.

Thankfully her fever came down this late morning so we are still observing ... not sure what's wrong with her, but hopefully nothing is wrong ...

Being a mother ... is ... not easy ...


Anonymous said...

poor baby. poor mom & dad.
be strong. you're all in my prayers.
