Monday, May 19, 2008

Just another year, another day ...

I'm 1 year older, none the wiser but definitely mellowed. If you think I'm hot headed now, you hadn't seen me 10 years ago. My flames then would had probably turned someone into crisp, no less. But I shall not dwell on that, since I have *ahem* declared myself mellowed.

How so? Well, the first tell tale sign is my driving. Now, it's OK to be stuck behind another car, as long as it means getting to my destination safely with my kiddo. What is that additional 5 minutes spent on the road, if it means my sweetheart is safe? I still do "hiss" at certain drivers, but not that rant and swear routine anymore.

I didn't get the birthday present I wanted, but God is gracious, He gives me other things to be thankful for. One of which, of course, my girl walking on her own. It's a tiny achievement for us parents (given the 18 year mental milestones we all probably drawn up in our minds) but it's a giant "leap" for my girl, and one that we should be so rightly proud of. Oh by the way, did I mention that now my girl knows how to wag her pointer (index finger) at me when she does something naughty (I do that when I tell her "no" for things she shouldn't be doing)? She can nod her head in agreeement, such as, when we asked her if the chwee kueh she had this morning was nice.

I'm just thankful to be me... now.


D boys' Mum said...

happy b'day!