Monday, April 05, 2010

Giggly #2

#2 seems to be back to normal, as in his "on and off" relationship with me.

I brought him for his class yesterday and 5 mins before the class ended, he was sound asleep. He just fell asleep without making any complaints and even adjusted himself for a comfortable position!

In the afternoon, he didn't mind me carrying him when he woke up from his nap and even "chose" me ;P In the evening, I was trying to read him a book and well, I read the book, he licked the book and attempted to chew a piece off it. V came in to join us and she quickly caught on she was to "share" since mummy shared things with #2 if she didn't!

By his bedtime, #2 was doing his giggle and kick trick - see me or V, he would start giggling out loud and kicking his legs furiously. I hope he didn't have any nightmares last night!

It was a nice ending to the weekend ... and I hope of more such times with my kids to come ...