Sunday, July 06, 2008


Well, not certified to do anything, but rather, Vanessa received her first certificate today for completing her KinderMusik class. She will be continuing for the next class, and for 2 weeks, she would be having 2 classes per weekend, since her Growing Up Gifted class will start end August. Kiasu? Not really, just that I'm not sure how she would take to GUG, so best is to gauge her responses to both classes and see which one she enjoys more. As much as the norma should say "which one would teach her more", I think at this age, it is important that she enjoys her class, since it is meant to be more of a social and fun time, rather then drilling her how to learn. As long as she's having fun, it's good enough for me. She will have enough pressure to cope with once she goes into Kindergarten!

She's 15 months already, time really passes too quickly. She understands more than she lets on, and although she cannot verbalise, she can carry out a simple request, or just shake/ nod her head (though sometimes i wonder if she knows what she is agreeing to). Yesterday also mark the first time that she walked, instead of sitting in the stroller, which is the usual habit when we bring the dogs down for their walks. Not very stable, but good enough. I do think her crocs are very useful, light and well ventilated, not to mention, slip-proof. I'll get her another pair when she outgrows this one (she already outgrew 3 other pair of shoes!) and perhaps I could get a matching pair too!

My hairclips and ribbons arrived from USA (thanks to the hubby lugging the ribbons back) and I've begun to make a few (bought a new hot glue gun too!) - churned out about 10 yesterday and raring to make more. Only problem is my back is giving me pangs of acute pain, so i have to rest on the bed or sit up straight. Tried taking calcium to reduce the pain, but no to avail. I'll probably need to dig out my painkillers if not I'll pay the doctor a visit. I even had difficulty turning in bed, it's that bad.

Remember the mummy that I said made lots of hairclips for her gal? I visited her on saturday and I marvel at ALL her creations. SHE'S GOOD!!!! VERY VERY GOOD!!!! Now it's my goal to be as good as her! She's also very creative, so I am very very very envious! Will display my new wares in a while - thinking if this should be a sideline I can tap on to grow my gal's education fund!