Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Butterflies in the Tummy

No ... unfortunately it's not the flutters of feeling the first few movements the baby is making ... rather that's how worried and scared I am for tomorrow's procedure ...

I have almost zero tolerance for pain and the idea of a needle poking through my flash, fats and into the uterus is scaring the hell outta me. Reading those medical websites didn't really help - they did say most women report discomfort and pinching rather than pain, but the list of complications
1) infection
2) if the clincian didn't manage to draw enough fluid the first round, they have to do it again!!!!
3) if blood got into the fluid, the results may be compromised - I think it just simply meant that they have to try drawing the fluid 1 more time!
4) the risk of miscarriage
is more than enough to fill my mind with lots of "what ifs"

I also read somewhere some women say it's was a terrible and horrible and painful experience (some nasty person commented if they can't even bear with this pain, what about labour - to that nasty person "SOD YOU!")

I can't seek any comfort in all this knowledge - it's just driving me nuts.

I can only seek solace that
1) my friends and siblings will be praying for me and my baby
2) I get to send my hubby to the dentist next week as a form of revenge - since I can't possibly stick a needle into his stomach
3) God is my comforter and giver of peace