Sunday, December 17, 2006

Nap attack!

As popularised by Garfield, nap attacks are an very convenient way to describe the sudden wave of yawns and the urge to sleep.

I hadn't had the nap attacks for quite a while but it has recently returned again. For example, we had a mini party for my hubby's colleagues on Friday evening - was to be a BBQ but well you know the weather, so it's frantic cooking - microwave, oven and the stovetop. By the time I gave up, I was so HOT and I was quite worried about baby geting overheated. It was maybe 9plus? then I started yawning. By 11pm I was quite dead to the world - just leave my hubby to do the minimal cleanup and thankful that my part-time maid requested to switch to come on Saturday morning instead of Sunday morning.

Then Saturday evening, we had another gathering for my hubby, this time his ex classmates. Wasn't so bad since it's pot luck and all I made was potato salad. So we were chatting and eating around the table. We were fussing over his classmate baby, a very adorable 3 month old girl. Then by 10pm I told my hubby I wanted to rest (started to yawn my head off) and I snuck into the bedroom. Before long, I was snoring (I knew because I woke myself up with my snores) and I slept throughout till this morning 9am.

And now? It's going to be 10pm and I'm starting to yawn my head off. Ok it's really bedtime for me. I can hardly keep my eyes open. I just hope I don't get the nap attacks during work tomorrow! Otherwise I'll be a zombie starting blankly at the piles of papers on my desk.

Oh oh! I almost forgot. I went to see my TCM and she declared my baby was growing well and all the vital signs are healthy. How do I feel? Great! I also bought bird nests to cook and my first attempt is pretty decent. Just not as good as what I used to eat at my mum's place. Practise practise practise (good excuse eh)!