Thursday, February 15, 2007

Updates ... We're in Week 31!

1) I've gained about 4kg since my last visit *GASP* now I weigh in at 68kg so my total weight gain is now almost 9 kg! *ack*

2) Baby's gained 700 another grams, making her now 1.8kg. Dr Y says she's in a VERY good size (I assume for natural birth)

3) My glucose intolerance tests results are negative so I'm clear of gestational diabetes! *hooray*

4) Her head already quite "down" so unlikely to turn anymore (sideways or beech) - meaning she'll probably engage in the correct position for natural birth

5) Brought along the birth plan which I completed in less than 20 minutes *strut* Thanks to my Sis-in-law copy she did up for her birth and I found this website: I wasn't really sure about all the options, but I could remember some of the stuff from my SIL's BP and so I click on those that matter to me, some iffy ones and showed them to Dr Y. So we had a quick discussion what is possible and what is not, as well as those iffy ones that I asked him to explain, for eg, what is pitocin? So now at least I have a better idea, I can finalise the birth plan.

6) I wanted a picture of baby too, but she wasn't in a good mood. Her face is pressing against the side so we can't see what's her expression, so I wanted a picture of her hands or feet. Anyway didn't get a decent view, so we settled for the side view instead.

7) We remembered in time to ask him about booking the delivery hospital - so we settled for TMC single bed. Hopefully we will be able to get the renovated rooms when she's ready to see the world.

I'll see Dr Y in 3 weeks time again - hopefully I won't gain too much weight since there'll be plenty of CNY goodies to munch on. He did tell me to lay off as much as possible the Macs meal but it's one of the easiest food to lay my hands on. *sigh* Oh, and the swollen pig trotters of mine is here to stay till baby is out. *double sigh*