Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What was that again?

With the advancing of the pregnancy, my memory is getting progressively worse.

For example, at the annual poker game organised by my gf, I could scarely remembered what was my covered card, even though I had just looked at it barely 1 second ago. In the end, I had to look at the card constantly to make sure I got the card correct. *tsk*

Not to mention, I am failing to remember my various bosses names (yes, how bad can it get!) and I could only point to the room and say "that one!" and someone else fills in the blank for me. I am so worried now that I will forget to do something *ack* and then it comes back to haunt me BIG TIME ... for eg, "bad girl! no bonus for you! no pay rise for you!" *argh* So far I'm still ok, I have colleagues to remind me what I need to get done, but even with the constant reminder and my taped-up "to do list", I still feel very insecure. I guess I'll just have to scribble down when the "reminders" suddenly flash across my eyes - if I am fast enough that is, I might just hold the pen over the paper and wonder "what was that again?"

I'm told it will get worse, and it'll last for several months after the baby pops out even - it doesn't help that I have poor memory skills to begin with ... I should start getting finger tags soon, since I'll probably forget why I tied my fingers with a ribbon in the first place!