Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Shocker of the day

If you recalled, a few days earlier, I posted about #2 drinking 160ml of milk and that he is challenging V to the title of Milk King/ Queen?

Well, he beats her hands down - he is officially crowned the Milk King. He just finished 200ml of milk at 1 shot today. No, he didn't regurgitate any bit at all...

Yes, I am still shocked and stressed - I cannot possibly produce so much milk in a day for him!!! Gone were the days when I could produce 5 bottles of milk (averaging 150ml each) within a span of 12 hours! If I am lucky, I could produce 4 bottles max ...

Ah well, he's taking well to mix feed (BM plus FM) and besides he is very happy to be eating solids ... so ... I shouldn't be stressed out ... just enjoy him as it is, and produce whatever I can for his needs. I may not be able to provide BM for 12 months, but I'll just do what I can ...