Monday, March 29, 2010

Almost back to ... normal

V is almost back to her 100% self.

Other than her porridge and biscuits, she was also allowed some fishball noodles. She was a bit grouchy on the way home, but it's late and we waited quite a while before the cab turned up (and before that, 10 minutes or more as I walked out to try to flag a cab down with no success).

She wants fishballs with rice tomorrow, so hopefully my mum can "cater" to her demands. She's acting like a little diva now, since she knows she will almost get her way (and mummy is not around to say no).

I'm quite exhausted since I have yet to fully recover from flu and work is quite busy, so I can't take a "break" and knock off early. Just waiting for the milk to hit a certain target (which I think I won't be able to hit tonight) before I go sleep.

My output is about 1000ml a day now but it only caters for about 80% for #2 intake. It's much better than when I was pumping for V. At the same stage, I had already given up pumping! I'm not sure how much longer I am going to do this - seems so endless and thankless sometimes.

#2 still seems slightly upset that I am not spending much time with him so I got to buck up ... Should I really try for #3?