Thursday, March 11, 2010

midnight cravings

other than to eat ... I also had the crave to make something.

Long time ago, back in uni, when the whole bunch of us were irc-ing late at night to the wee hours, we had this gf who loved to bake in the middle of the night. I remember one particular incident when she suddenly announced she was making egg tarts ... i can only say most of us were left salivating on our keyboards =(

so last night, I decided to act on my "craving" and I made rainbow agar agar. The recipe I looked at was from Baking Mum's Multi-Colour Sago Jelly at

Needless to say again, I forgot something - I forgot to add salt and I added too much liquid!

I didn't bother to measure the agar agar powder since it came in a ready pack form, but looking at the instructions at the back of the packet, I should have remembered to reduce the liquid to 1 litre instead of adding the full 1.3 litre Baking Mum's recipe called for.

What I did and what I used:

Ingredients A:
250g pack of Kara Coconut cream
1 litre of water (should reduce to 700ml)
200g sugar
one bunch of pandan leaves, knotted (washed)
1 packet of redman agar agar powder

Throw everything together and bring to a boil. Stir to ensure the agar agar powder dissolves properly. When done, strain into a container.

Ingredients B:
Sago pearls (100g)
3 drops of colouring X the number of colours (I used pink, blue and yellow)

Rinse and wash sago pearl. Boil water (1.5 litre) and add pearls. Cooked till translucent. It's OK to have some white dots here and there. Remove from heat. Add cold water from running tap. Drain pearls under a running tap.

Divide into 3 portions into separate containers (according to the number of colours you use and big enough to hold agar mixture) and add the colouring. Mix well.

Divide the Agar mixture and add to the 3 separate containers holding the coloured sago. Pour the sago and agar mixture of 1 colour into the mold. Put in fridge for it to set slightly. Remove, and using a spoon, gently pour the 2nd colour sago and agar mixture unto the mold (pour on to the spoon, and not directly onto the 1st layer of agar. Repeat steps.

When properly set, remove from mold, cut and serve.

Pictures with my hubby, will get him to post up :P