Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Princess and a smile

I went to my sister bedroom to get V to go home and I saw her stomping around, with a blanket tied to her waist, same as A, my niece. I looked at V and she went "PRINCESS!" then proceed to walk around the room in her "train". It's funny, but I never knew my girl was so "ku niang". I have always seen her as a "tom boy" in the making since she's always not into dolls and dress up (hence all my hair clips are just going to waste). Then again, she has expressed her desire to put on blusher, lipstick, etc when she sees me doing it or my makeup paper bag. Most recently, is her request for pink nails. As long as her request is not too outrageous, I guess I'm OK with it.

And on the other hand, my little prince, is really practising his charm on us. This evening, he was screwing up his eyes and then opening his mouth when he sees me. We finally figured out it is his version of a "smile on demand". It was so funny! He occasionally will look at me with his almost closed eyes and with an ultra "duh" look on his face - but this was the first time, he does it with a opened mouth smile. He was more than happy to oblige us when we requested for more smiles, and despite the pain in the chest, I just wanted to hug and kiss him no matter what. He's so ... sweet. Girls should be careful of him :P