Saturday, March 27, 2010

Myth versus Truth

V has 2 "twirls" on her head, so usually the first thing people exclaim when they see that is "wow, must be very naughty right?"

No. She's not. In fact, she's the opposite.

She can be cheeky, she can throw tantrum, she can be unruly but truthfully - seldom.

She's mostly a smiley, happy child, and she's quite the obedient child too.

Like now, she's really, really, really very hungry - you can see from the way she waits for her porridge eagerly. She wants to drink it all down, if possible, yet she controls herself and let us feed her bit by bit. She will try to negotiate for more, but she will settle for what we tell her is appropriate.

At 3 years old, and she's not wailing down the entire hospital when she is hungry, tired and in pain - I can tell you, I'm grateful and thankful for V.

She makes my life as a mum so much easier.

I love you sweetie, please get well soon. Mummy misses sharing the bed with you (and your kicks as well).