Monday, March 15, 2010

An angry boy

#2 is angry with me. I have learnt to recognise the "ignoring" traits of my kids when they are angry with someone. Usually when he sees me after work, he squeals and whines and cries until he gets my attention. Then he will grab me and hug me like a koala bear who has found his long-lost favourite tree.

Today, he looked at my water bottle, he looked at my bag, then he looked away. He looked at me with a "bored" face and then looked away again. *sigh*

I think I know the cause of it - I have been bringing #2 for kindermusic class and usually I do it with him. But for the past 3 times, for various reasons and my recent soreness in the chest area, I let my helper bring him for the class instead. So, while he enjoys the class, he knows something is not right and he's upset because I was not present.

OK, point noted, I will do the class with him from now on :P

And I need to spend more time cuddling him too ... *sigh*