Friday, March 12, 2010

Mastitis, now?!?!

Ouch, a pain in the .... not the usual B, but the other B.

Ya, I got an infection on my left side. Which means, less milk for #2 =(

It started off with a slight soreness and swelling, so I thought "engorgement? but very unlikely" ... by last night, it was obvious it wasn't engorgement. It was painful to touch, but I couldn't quite pinpoint the inflamed duct. My right side was OK so that's how I knew I probably have mastitis.

I had it before, when V was 1 month old. That's how I know the warning signs - the tenderness, slight fever, painful to touch, and "warm" to touch (get more info here), except then I didn't know and by the time I seeked help, I was in agony.

This morning I "stripped" as much milk as possible before I went to see the doctor. This "stripping" remind me of this particular incident, recounted by James Herriot in one of this books. A cow had one of its 4 teats infected, and his advice to the owner was to massage and strip as much milk as possible, so as to get rid of the infected liquid inside that teat. Well, I do fell like a human cow most of the times when I am pumping, so I am taking James Herriot advice to heart. In fact, I texted my massage lady for help, and she spent almost 1 hour clearing the inflamed ducts. To my horror, for some strange reason, my right side was starting to display the same symptoms. To her credit, she managed to clear the inflamed ducts - I had multiple let downs, plus sudden jets of milk. I felt that the milk was so wasted, but I also knew I had a better chance of early recovery.

I am on antibiotics now, plus panadol since I am running a fever. I just hope this clears up fast, else I may just stop breastfeeding altogether. I am quite half-hearted about continuing to breastfeed, and with this inflammation, I feel like giving up.

I admire those mummies who lug their pumping gear to work each day, because I am already weary of the routine, and I'm nowhere near the 1 year mark.

And yes, it's find to feed #2 with the milk I pump out now. Most importantly, get medicine that is OK for breastfeeding mummies, and the more I pump, the more I "stripped", the faster I recover.

Don't wait to ask for help. It's OK to ask for help and to take medication even though you are breastfeeding. If in doubt if the medicine is really safe for your child, ask for help from your baby's PD.

1) wear a comfortable bra (after the incident when I had V, I switched to wearing camisole bras available from MIM - Basic Cami-Bra here and I will stress that I only mostly use this bra even I had others as I didn't like the rest for some various reasons)
2) use something to cool the "hot spot" - I normally just insert an ice pack (like those that comes with Royce Chocolates) into my bra. Some recommend cabbage leaves, but I was too lazy to go out to buy it. Besides I cannot stand the smell of cabbage leaves, especially after they have been *cooked* by the heat.
3. Take Vit C to help fight/ recover from the infection (I take the same dosage if I am down with flu - 2000mg (2 X 1000mg fizzy tablet) with 700ml water
4. Get a breast massage if you can, from a massage lady who knows what she is doing.
5. REST.
6. Remember to breastfeed or pump as regularly as you can (I try to pump every 4 hours instead of every 8 hours). And try to massage the sore spots to help drain out the milk. Use of hot towels/ compress for the sore or lumpy areas.