Sunday, April 22, 2007

Milk production on the decline

Stress affects the production I guess ...

1) I had a blocked duct so I was in pain, I couldn't drain this big blob of milk - stress! In the end I had to play with baby (she refused to nurse since she just had her feed of 100ml then), then when I was relaxed enough, I tried again to pump. It worked! This teeny weeny stream shot out continuously for 1 minute or so, bringing relief

2) This morning, the milk production was down by half. I supposed I'm too stressed by trying to maintain a certain standard of volume - so I'm trying to take it easy. So much for the plans to freeze the excess EBM *sigh*

3) I'm still having blocked ducts problems or let down issues, so I've decided once and for all, to get the Ameda twin pumps - hopefully the imitation of baby suckling will help with the let down, and hence I would not have to deal with all the milk backed up somewhere (dammed would probably be the next best description), causing the pain.

Ok, time to take my fluids and back to bed. I'm way too far far behind my milk schedule today.